Make Purchasing Refreshments Convenient for Your Union
City Employees
Modern, state-of-the-art vending machines can give your Union City staff easy access to quality snacks and beverages. Attractive and featuring eco-friendly practices, our Union City vending machine services can spruce up your break room or lobby. Thanks to modern technology, staff or guests can easily purchase grab-and-go refreshments 24/7. Multiple payment options including cash, credit card, and mobile wallet are available. Remote monitoring allows us to restock your Union City vending machines when necessary.
Spoil Your Union City Staff with the Best Office Coffee Service and
Water Filtration

Perk up your Union City staff with the best office coffee service in the region! Make a cup of joe in the best coffee brewers available. From traditional coffee brewers to snazzy single-cup service and bean-to-cup brewers, choose the best coffee equipment for your needs. You can offer your staff cafe-quality drinks with our gourmet coffees and teas. We’ll provide everything you need with our Union City office coffee service including supplies such as creamer, sugar, stirrers, napkins, and more. Don’t forget to add a water filtration system to your Union City break room to hydrate your staff with pure, fresh water. Our plumbed-in water filtration service will also improve the flavor of your coffees and teas.
Enjoy the Benefits of a Micro-Market in Your Union City Break Room

Convenient and open 24/7, a micro-market brings many advantages to your Union City team. It’s not always easy to access quality refreshments during a busy workday. However, with our Union City micro-market service, you can bring healthy snacks, fresh food, and refreshing beverages to your building! We’ll stock open shelves and attractive glass-front coolers with name-brand snacks, drinks, sandwiches, and salads. Then, guests can select their products and pay using a self-service kiosk that accepts cash, credit card, or mobile wallet. Rest assured that running your micro-market is easy thanks to remote monitoring which allows us to restock before your inventory runs low. Add a micro-market to your Union City break room today!

Build a Better Break Room with Our Union City Office Pantry Service

Show your staff how much you care by upgrading your Union City break room with an office pantry service. Offering a range of complimentary refreshments, an office pantry service will motivate and energize your employees. You can tailor your Union City office pantry to meet your unique needs. Choose from a range of products including healthy snacks and refreshing beverages. We’ll stock your Union City lunchroom with everything you need to make your office pantry a success! From shelves to dispensers, we provide a full service. Design your office pantry today!